EMOM x 9mins
1st – 20 Frog Pumps
2nd – 10 Monster Walks Forward and Backward
3rd – 20sec Star Side Plank/side

A1) Front Squat

4441; 4,4,4; rest 30sec

A2) Staggered Stance Deadlift

2121; 4-6/leg x 3 sets; rest 3mins

B1) Front Foot Elevated Split Squat

DB Loaded at sides; 2-4″ step; 3010; 5-7/leg; rest 90sec x 3

B2) Jefferson Curl

4111; 5-7reps; rest 90sec x 3

C) Move with Purpose – Steady

1min One Leg Wall Sit R
1min One Leg Wall Sit L
1min Turkish Get Up R (+ 2 KB press at top of each rep)
1min Turkish Get Up L (+ 2 KB press at top of each rep)
1min Plank
30sec Side Plank R
30sec Side Plank L
2mins Lateral Box Step Overs 24/20″