3 Sets
10 Ring Body Saw
20 Russian Twists
10 Barbell Good Mornings light 2010

A) Front Squat

32X1; 4,4,4; rest 2-3mins (build from last week)

B1) Kettlebell Front Rack RNT Split Squat

2020; 4-6/leg; rest 60sec x 3 sets

B2) Single Arm Farmers Carry

30m/arm (tough – stay tall and avoid leaning to one side); rest 60sec x 3 sets

C1) Lean Away Strict Ring Pull Up

3seconds Down on each rep; 2-3 reps (make these harder than last week – either loaded or with less assistance); rest 60sec x 3 sets

C2) Tall Kneeling Kettlebell Press

3131; 6reps; rest 60sec x 3 sets

D) 3 Sets – For Quality

12m DB Suitcase Reverse Walking Lunge
rest 30sec
12 Dumbbell Curl and Press
rest 90sec