Take 10-15 minutes and work on a Skill.


  • 6 Rounds for Total Reps in 23 minutes
  • “The Ghost”
  • 1 minute of rowing
  • 1 minute of burpees
  • 1 minute of double-unders
  • 1 minute rest

Athletes will work for three minutes straight before resting for one minute. “The Ghost” is a “Fight Gone Bad” AMRAP style workout, where the score is total reps completed at the end of the six rounds. Athletes can keep a running count from movement to movement, or add up all three during their rest period.

With a one minute cap on each movement, today is a great day for athletes who are on the fence of single and double unders to get some good double under practice in.

If short on rowers, stagger heats by two minutes.